Are you aware of your imaginary fences?

Are you aware of your imaginary fences?

To act without boundaries, borders… imaginary fences… How would that feel for you? How often do you reflect upon your limitations, or your perceptions of your limits, and what you consider those are to be? Or, deciding to live your life, by your design, creating the...

‘Ikigai’ – Your ‘reason for being’… Do you know yours?

‘Ikigai’ – Your ‘reason for being’… Do you know yours?

"Ask what makes you come alive and go do it.” … “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard. W. Thurman The ‘ikigai’ is a Japanese concept, translated to ‘what is...

Fighting and speaking are the same, in my mind.

Fighting and speaking are the same, in my mind.

I will speak on stages globally. I’m not there yet, I’m still in the sparring rounds and the sports halls… (early/lower level kickboxing fights are in sports halls before you progress to ‘better’ venues, such as night clubs). With those pre-fight nerves and wondering...

Fighting Hashimoto’s – Overcoming Autoimmune Disease!

Fighting Hashimoto’s – Overcoming Autoimmune Disease!

I have Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune underactive thyroid. My body attacks my thyroid as if it is a ‘foreign invader’. I will begin by saying that I am extremely grateful for the medication I take every day, it has enabled me to achieve everything which I have; and...